1 1/2 lbs. Of Plainville Farms turkey breast (cut into bite size cubes)

2 tablespoons of butter

2 tablespoons of olive oil

3 tablespoons of parsley (finely chopped)

6 tablespoons of minced garlic

3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

Salt & pepper (to taste)

1/2 teaspoon of dry basil


Cut your Plainville Farms turkey breast into bite size pieces.

Sprinkle flour, salt, pepper and basil over the turkey (make sure all the turkey pieces are evenly coated.)

Heat the oil and butter in a skillet over medium heat.

Once the butter melted – add the turkey pieces in a single layer (if your skillet isn't big enough, you may need to cook the turkey in batches.)

Cook the turkey for 3 minutes or until golden brown, then flip on the other side and cook for more 3 minutes.

Add the garlic and parsley & cook for 2 more minutes.

Remove from the heat.

Serve & enjoy!